Refereed conference papers (last updated, December 2019)
Of over 80 conference papers, some of these are included here.
Refereed conference papers (led, presented, or co-authored with collaborators; last updated, December 2019)
1. | Amos Laar (2019). Can food environment policies contribute to building consumer confidence in the African food system? FAO Future of Food International Symposium. FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy. June 10-11 2019 |
2. | Amos Laar, Amy Barnes, Richmond Aryeetey, Akua Tandoh, Kristin Bash, Kobby Mensah, Francis Zotor, Stefanie Vandevijvere, Michelle Holdsworth (2019). Implementation of healthy food environment policies in Ghana: gaps and priorities to prevent nutrition-related non-communicable diseases. Westin Mindspace Hotel, Hyderabad , India, 24 – 29 June, 2019. |
3. | Rebecca Pradeilles, Colette Kearney, Amos Laar, Michelle Holdsworth, Francis Zotor, Kristin Bash, Akua Tandoh, Senam Klomegah, Paula Griffiths (2018). Assessing the readiness of local key informants to address the consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages amongst adolescent girls and women in Ghana: a DFC dietary transitions in Ghana study. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
4. | Amos K. Laar and Benedicta K. Atsu (2018). A multitude of individual and contextual factors predict child stunting in Ghana: a regression analysis of the Ghana multiple indicator cluster survey (MICS) data. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
5. | Michelle Holdsworth, F. Zotor, P. Griffiths, R. Pradeilles, M. Green, K. Mensah, A. Barnes, N. Bricas, A. Laar (2018). Dietary Transitions in Ghanaian Cities: Using Innovative Methods to Map the Social and Physical Food Environments that Drive Consumption of Unhealthy Foods and Beverages, to Identify Contextually Appropriate Policies and Interventions: the DFC Dietary Transitions in Ghana Project. Third ANH Academy Week, June 25 – 29th Accra, Ghana. |
6. | Hibbah Osei-Kwasi, Aarti Mohindra, Andrew Booth, Amos Laar, Milka Njera, Rebecca Pradeilles, Michelle Holdsworth (2018). Factors Associated with Dietary Behaviours in Urban Africa from Adolescence to Adulthood – Extending the Reach of a Systematic Mapping Review: A TACLED Study. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
7. | Mark. A. Green, Rebecca Pradeilles,, Hibbah Osei-Kwasi, Nicolas. Bricas, Richmond. Aryeetey, Paula Griffiths, Elizabeth. Kimani, Amos. Laar, Kobby. Mensah, Stell, Muthuri, Milka. Njeri, Emily Rousham, Francis. Zotor Michelle Holdsworth(2018). Characterising the food environments of deprived neighbourhoods in three African cities. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
8. | Laar, AK (2018). A case for the socio-cultural, ethical, and human rights aspects of the national HIV response. National HIV and AIDS Research Conference (NHARCON 2018), Accra International Conference Cener, Accra, Ghana. May 8 -11, 2018. |
9. | Laar, AK (2017). Investment in nutrition: Budget allocation for nutrition in Ghana. Joint Expert Group Meeting (EGM) and Policy Forum on Reducing Child Stunting in Africa Organized by: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9-10 November 2017, |
10. | Richard Ofori-Asenso, Akosua Adom Agyeman, Amos Laar (2017). Metabolic Syndrome Among Apparently ‘’Healthy’’ Ghanaian Adults: A review of the Evidence. AFREhealth 2017 Symposium, Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, Accra, Ghana. August 1st — 3rd 2017 |
11. | Parker, M., Zobrist, S., Mansen, K., Soor, S., Laar, A., Asiedu, C., & Lutterodt, H. (2017). Nutrient Analysis of Farmed Palm Weevil Larvae for the Advancement of Edible Insects in Ghana. The FASEB Journal, 31(1 Supplement), 639-36. |
12. | Parker, M., Zobrist, S., Tawiah, C., Manu, G., Mansen, K., Soor, S., … & Kreis, K. (2017). Micro-Farming of Palm Weevil Larvae (Akokono) for Economic Empowerment and Nutritional Impact. The FASEB Journal, 31(1 Supplement), 639-27. |
13. | Amos K. Laar, Awewura Kwara, Priscillia A. Nortey, Augustine K. Ankomah, Michael P. K. Okyerefo, Margaret Y. Lartey.Use of non-prescription remedies by Ghanaian HIV-positive persons on antiretroviral therapy. 21st International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2016)Durban, South Africa | July 18-22, 2016 |
14. | Amos K. Laar, Margaret Y. Lartey, Augustine K. Ankomah, Michael P. K. Okyerefo, Ernest A. Ampah, Demi Sarfo, Priscilla A. Nortey , Awewura Kwara. Food elimination, food substitution, and nutrient supplementation among ARV-exposed HIV-positive persons in southern Ghana. 7th African Nutritional Epidemiology Conference, Marrakech Morocco, October 9 – 14 2016 |
15. | Amos Laar, Richmond Aryeetey, Francis Zotor. Cementing the linkages between nutrition and social protection in ghana: an issues paper. 7th African Nutritional Epidemiology Conference, Marrakech Morocco, October 9 – 14 2016 |
16. | Amos Laar. Contribution of SUN academic platforms to nutrition capacity building in Africa: efforts, prospects, and challenges. 7th African Nutritional Epidemiology Conference, Marrakech Morocco, October 9 – 14 2016 (KEYNOTE SPEAKER) |
17. | Stephanie Zobrist, Nikhila Kalra, Megan Parker, Amos Laar, Agnes Kotoh, Charlotte Tawiah, Issa Wone, Peiman Milani, Gretel Pelto. Cognitive mapping techniques reveal culturally relevant information on infant and young child complementary feeding practices to inform nutrition interventions 7th African Nutritional Epidemiology Conference, Marrakech Morocco, October 9 – 14 2016 |
18. | Amos Laar, Agnes Kotoh, Megan Parker, Peiman Milani, Charlotte Taiwah, Shobhita Soor, Jacob P. Anankware Nikhila Kalra Herman Lutterodt, Akua Tandoh, Cyril Engmann, Gretel Pelto. Acceptability of palm weevil larva as complementary food: insights from Ghanaian caregivers. 7th African Nutritional Epidemiology Conference, Marrakech Morocco, October 9 – 14 2016 |
19. | Laar A.K., Perel, P. Adler, A. Caldwell, A. Lamptey P. 2015. Evaluation of A Community-Based Programme For Hypertension Control In Ghana. 9th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and Internatinal Health, 6 – 9th September 2015, Basel, Switzerland. |
20. | Laar AK, Aryeetey RNO, Akparibo R, Ghana SUN Academic Platform, Zotor F. Nutrition sensitivity of the 2014 Budget Statement of Republic of Ghana. The Sixth Biennial Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC VI) of the African Nutrition Society; Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration in Accra, Ghana from 20th to 25th July 2014. |
21. | Aryeetey RNO, Laar AK, Zotor F, Ghana SUN Academic Platform. Capacity for scaling up nutrition: a focus on pre-service training in West Africa. The Sixth Biennial Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC VI) of the African Nutrition Society; Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration in Accra, Ghana from 20th to 25th July 2014. |
22. | Laar AK, DeBruin D. Ethics-sensitivity of Ghana national integrated strategic response plan for pandemic influenza. 7th Biennial College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference; 24th –Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons; Accra, Ghana; 26th September 2014. |
23. | Laar A.K., Appiah E. (2013). Contraceptive use, general reproductive health literacy and needs of out of school adolescents in a peri-urban Ghanaian district. Paper presented at the International Conference on Family Planning: Research and Best Practices; November 12 – 15, 2013; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
24. | Laar AK, Fiaveh D, Boatemaa S, Laar M, El-Adas A, Amenyah R, Atuahene K, Adjei AA, Quakyi I (2013). Profiles of HIV-affected households in Ghana. Paper presented at the National HIV and AIDS Research Conference (NHARCON), 10 -13th September 2013, Accra Ghana. |
25. | Sutherland EG, Laar AK, Ankomah A, Dako-Gyeke P, Asampong E, Kuranchie P, Reynolds HW (2013). A Performance Evaluation of the Ghana National HIV Prevention Programme for MARPs. Paper presented at the National HIV and AIDS Research Conference (NHARCON), 10 -13th September 2013, Accra Ghana. |
26. | Laar A.K., Amankwa B., Asiedu C.N (2012). Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV service providers in the Accra Metropolis and their clients face unique challenges. A paper presented at the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), 22-27 July 2012, Washington D.C., USA |
27. | Laar M. E., Laar, A. K., Himes J. (2011). Infant feeding modality and health of mothersinfected with human immunodeficiency virus in sub-Saharan Africa – a systematic literature review. Paper presented at the 5th Annual College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference, 21st to 23rd 2011, GIMPA, Accra, Ghana |
28. | Laar A. K. Knowledge of Some Ghanaian Service Providers on the Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Options Available To HIV-Positive Ghanaian Women. Paper presented at the International Conference on Family Planning: Research and Best Practices; November 15 – 18, 2009; Kampala, Uganda |
29. | Laar A. K. Family Planning, Abortion And HIV In Ghanaian Print Media: A Content Analysis Of The Most Widely Circulated Ghanaian Newspaper Since 1950 – The Daily Graphic. Paper presented at the International Conference on Family Planning: Research and Best Practices; November 15 – 18, 2009; Kampala, Uganda |
30. | Laar AK, Ampofo WK, Tuakli JM, Owusu WB, Asante RKO, and Quakyi IA. Intakes of selected nutrients among asymptomatic HIV+ pregnant adults from two socio-economically disparate Ghanaian settings. A paper presented at the Third Africa Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC) III – Cairo, Egypt, 13th – 16th October 2008 |
31. | Laar AK, Ampofo WK, Tuakli JM, Quakyi IA. Inadequate intakes of Thiamin, Niacin, Iron, Selenium and Zinc is a serious problem among young HIV+ pregnant women in the Manya Krobo District and Tema Municipality. A paper presented at the 2nd Annual College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference, September 24-27, 2008. |
32. | Laar AK, Ampofo WK, Tuakli JM, Amenyah RN Quakyi IA. Fetal anemia and umbilical cord parasitemia in newborns of HIV+ women. A paper presented at the 2nd Annual College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference, September 24-27, 2008. |
33. | Laar AK, Tuakli JM, Asante RKO, and Quakyi IA. Dietary intakes of HIV+ pregnant adolescents from two Ghanaian districts. A paper presented at the International Youth Conference on “Investing in young people’s health and development: Abuja, Nigeria, 27-29 April 2008. |
34. | Laar AK, Ampofo WK, Tuakli JM, Owusu WB, Amenyah RN, Soyiri IN, Kuranchie P, Senah K, Valerie PM, Amuah P, and Quakyi IA. Prevalence of poor perinatal outcomes among HIV+ women in the Manya Krobo District & Tmema Municipality A paper presented at the 2nd National HIV/AIDS Research Conference (NHARCON), 3-5 March 2008, La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra, Ghana. |
35. | Laar AK, Ampofo WK, Tuakli JM, Owusu WB, Amenyah RN, Soyiri IN, Kuranchie P, Senah K, Valerie PM, Amuah P, and Quakyi IA. Associations between quality of life (QOL) and daily intakes of selected nutrients’ among HIV+ pregnant women in the Manya Krobo District and Tema Municipality, Ghana. A paper presented at the first Annual College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference, Accra International Conference Center, September 26-28, 2007 |
36. | Laar AK, Ampofo WK, Tuakli JM, Owusu WB, Amenyah RN, Soyiri IN, Kuranchie P, Senah K, Valerie PM, Amuah P, and Quakyi IA. Are poor maternal anthropometrics at first prenatal visit associated with adverse perinatal outcomes? A paper presented at the first Annual College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference, Accra International Conference Center, September 26-28, 2007 Accra, Ghana. |
37. | Laar, AK. Ampofo, WK Tuakli-Ghartey, JM Kuranchi, P Senah, K Owusu, WB Valerie, PM Quakyi IA and Amenyah RN. 2006. Determinants of Anemia and Low Quality of Life in Hiv-Infected Pregnant Women in the Manya Krobo District and Tema Municipality, Ghana. 2nd Africa Nutrition Epidemiology Conference!! ANEC 2006, Accra Ghana 15 – 18 August 2006. |
38. | Laar AK, Ampofo WK, Tuakli-Ghartey JM, Kuranchie P, Senah KA, Owusu WB, Mann VP, and Quakyi IA, 2005. The Influence of HIV and Malaria Infections on the Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women in the Manya Krobo District and Tema Municipality. A paper presented at the Third African Regional TEPHINET Scientific Conference. Accra-Ghana: 6th – 9th Dec 2005. |
39. | RA Nusenu, WB Owusu, AK Laar, 2005. Body Composition of Teenage girls using bioelectrical Impedance analysis technique. Abstract published in the 18th International Nutrition Congress, ICC Durban South Africa September 19-23: Book of Abstract pp 355. |
40. | Laar A.K, Owusu W.B. and Twenefour D 2004. Nutrient Intake, Anthropometric Characteristics, and Quality of Life of People Living With HIV/AIDS in Ghana. Int Conf AIDS 2004 Jul 11-16; 15: (abstract no. D11533) |
41. | Soyiri IN, and Laar AK 2004, Dietary diversity approach: a key component to the management of HIV/AIDS patients in Ghana. Int Conf AIDS 2004 Jul 11-16; 15: (abstract no. D11497) |
42. | Laar A.K., Owusu W.B., and Yeboah K. Anthropometric Characteristics of HIV/AIDS patients in Accra, Ghana. A paper presented at the 23rd Biennial Conference, Ghana Science Association (GSA). University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, 4th to 8th August 2003. |
Refereed conference papers (led or presented by my graduate and undergraduate students)
1 | Tsrah, P, Laar, AK (2020). What is on sale? Healthiness of foods on promotional-flyers of Accra-Based Supermarkets. World Public Health Nutrition Congress 2020; 31 March to 2 April 2020; Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. | ||
2 | Konlan, M. B. Laar, AK (2020). Nutrition standards and nature of foods sold at University of Ghana Canteens. World Public Health Nutrition Congress 2020; 31 March to 2 April 2020; Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. | ||
3 | Konlan, M. Y, Laar, AK (2020). Assessment of the Food Retail Environment in the Tamale Metropolis, Ghana. World Public Health Nutrition Congress 2020; 31 March to 2 April 2020; Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. | ||
4 | Amevinya, G.S. Laar, AK (2020). Commercial Food Advertising at the University of Ghana, Legon Campus. World Public Health Nutrition Congress 2020; 31 March to 2 April 2020; Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. | ||
5 | Kumi, I. and Laar, AK (2020). Healthiness of Foods and Beverages Advertised on Ghanaian Television Programmes Targeting Children. World Public Health Nutrition Congress 2020; 31 March to 2 April 2020; Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. | ||
6 | Akorfa Afenyo and Amos K. Laar (2018). Drivers of maternal food choices for
Children under 5 years in Akuapim north district, eastern region, Ghana. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
7 | Iddrisu Kunamsi1, Amos K. Laar (2018). Workplace support for exclusive breastfeeding in tamale, ghana: perspectives of employees and management. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | ||
8 | Gideon L. Tiimob, Mohammed Ali, Amos. K. Laar (2018). Early infant feeding modalities and nutritional indicators of children aged 06-23 months in the Mamprugu-Moaduri district of northern Ghana. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | ||
9 | Gloria O Owusu, Amos K. Laar (2018). Drivers of healthy food choices among
Adolescent girls in a periurban area in the eastern region, Ghana. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
10 | Adams, Alice Sallar, Amos K. Laar (2018). Assessment of nutrition literacy and
Numeracy of healthcare providers in the lower Manya Krobo municipality, Ghana. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia |
11 | Jennifer Larri, Amos K. Laar (2018). Home support and exclusive breastfeeding: perspectives of household level actors. 8th Africa Nutrition Conference, October 1 – 5 2018, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | ||
12 |
13 | Ernest A. Ampah Elom K. Aglago, Gideon Senyo Amevinya, Robert Ntalo, Amos K. Laar. Double burden of malnutrition among children in the west african sub-region. 7th African Nutritional Epidemiology Conference, Marrakech Morocco, October 9 – 14 2016 | ||
14 | Benedicta Atsu, Amos K. Laar. Determinants of overweight with concurrent stunting among children under-fives living in Ghana. 7th African Nutritional Epidemiology Conference, Marrakech Morocco, October 9 – 14 2016 | ||
15 | Archibald N. Okotah, Amos K. Laar. Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and concerns: a survey of adolescent students in the ga-east municipality, Ghana. 1st No Yawa National Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Summit. Accra, Ghana, June 8 – 9 2016. | ||
16 | Kyeremeh Steve Atuahene, Amos K. Laar. Vulnerabilities and Reproductive Health Needs of Female Adolescent Sex Workers in Ghana 1st No Yawa National Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Summit. Accra, Ghana, June 8 – 9 2016. | ||
17 | Adjei KK., Laar AK,. Narh CT, Abdulai MA, Newton, S,. Owusu-Agyei S, and Adjei S. ‘Injectables belong to hospitals & clinics’: a comparative study on the availability of injectables in health facilities in a peri-urban municipality in Ghana. 2015 International Conference on Family Planning in Nusa Dua, Indonesia, November 2015. | ||
18 | Keteku P, Laar AK, Aryeetey R. The salt bank model for universal salt iodization in Ghana: A Case Study of the Nyanyano Salt Bank, Central Region. The Sixth Biennial Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC VI) of the African Nutrition Society; Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration in Accra, Ghana from 20th to 25th July 2014. | ||
19 | Effah EK, Fuseni M, Aryeetey R, Laar AK. Monitoring of community iodized salt quality status in the Tafo and La Dadekotopon Districts of Ghana. The Sixth Biennial Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC VI) of the African Nutrition Society; Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration in Accra, Ghana from 20th to 25th July 2014. | ||
20 | Arzoaquoi SK, Laar AK. Common food taboos and beliefs during pregnancy in Yilo Krobo District, Ghana. The Sixth Biennial Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC VI) of the African Nutrition Society; Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration in Accra, Ghana from 20th to 25th July 2014. | ||
21 | Kodi NNK, Laar AK. Prevalence of overweight and its risk factors among school adolescents, Adansi North District, Ghana. The Sixth Biennial Nutritional Epidemiology Conference (ANEC VI) of the African Nutrition Society; Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration in Accra, Ghana 20th to 25th July 2014 | ||
22 | Adjei K, Laar A.K (2013). Comparison of Availability and Cost of Modern Contraceptives in Public and Private Health Facilities in the Ga East Municipality of Ghana. Paper presented at the International Conference on Family Planning: Research and Best Practices; November 12 – 15, 2013; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | ||
23 | Okotah N. B. A., Laar A. K. (2012). Reproductive Health Knowledge of Adolescent Students in Ga East Municipality of Ghana: A Concern for Public Health. A paper presented at the 13th World Congress on Public Health, April 23 – 27 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | ||
24 | Okotah N. B. A., Laar A. K. (2012). Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge and Concerns; A survey of adolescent students in Ga-East Municipality, Ghana. A paper presented at the International Conference on African Indigenous Research and Development Initiatives. 14th – 16th March, 2012. The Goodnews Convention Centre 195 College Road, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg, South Africa. | ||
25 | Amankwa B., Laar A. K. (2011). Challenges and experiences of Ghanaian health workers implementing the global guidelines on HIV and infant feeding. Paper presented at the 5th Annual College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference, 21st to 23rd 2011, GIMPA, Accra, Ghana | ||
26 | Asiedu C. N, Laar A. K. (2011). Experiences of HIV-positive women receiving prevention of mother-to-child transmission services in the Accra Metropolitan Assembly. Paper presented at the 5th Annual College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference, 21st to 23rd 2011, GIMPA, Accra, Ghana | ||
27 | Asante C., Laar A. K. (2011). Knowledge on emergency contraceptive pills among women seeking pregnancy termination services at the eastern regional hospital, Koforidua. Paper presented at the 5th Annual College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference, 21st to 23rd 2011, GIMPA, Accra, Ghana | ||
28 | Okotah N. B. A., Laar A. K. (2011). Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and concerns: a survey of adolescent students in the Ga East District of the Greater Accra region. Paper presented at the 5th Annual College of Health Sciences Scientific Conference, 21st to 23rd 2011, GIMPA, Accra, Ghana |