
I am a Professor of Public Health Nutrition at the University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana. I have received academic training in Nutrition, Public Health, and Bioethics. I am also the Founder of “House of Mentoring and Research Resources” (HM2R). In my independent scholarship, I draw on theoretical, conceptual, and methodological perspectives from the social sciences, bioethics, and public health to understand how physical environment, social environment, and structural forces affect health. Currently, my research focuses on two distinct, yet related areas of public health: bioethics (ethics & public health, and food ethics); public health nutrition (food systems, food environment, and their nexus with nutrition-related non-communicable diseases).

Trained a mixed-methods researcher, I have extensive experience in implementation research, programme evaluations, policy analysis, and qualitative research methodologies. I deploy a wide range of approaches e.g. content analysis, interest analysis, theoretical human rights analysis, policy analysis, and policy evaluations in my work.

This site – www.alaar.org shares quite a bit of my own work, including my scholarly and non-scholarly works. The site also contains details of my teaching & mentoring efforts, other academic service provision, my grants & research projects, interviews, select lectures & presentations.  I hope users find the content of the site,  useful.
